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3 Critical Factors for a Successful Ecommerce Website

Consumer ecommerce sales grew over 20% in 2013 to US$1.2 trillion, according to the latest new figures release from eMarketer, is set to reach US$2.346 trillion in 2018, with rapid growth in the Asia-Pacific region, and steadily strong growth in the US market.

The success of an ecommerce website depends on the following factors:


Make It Convenient for Customers to Shop

Although this is an obvious factor, many ecommerce websites are unknowingly making customers jump through many hurdles just to give you their money. Most ecommerce websites are built by technically savvy guys who are not marketers. The shopping process involves so many steps and forms which the customer has to fill up, before they can make a purchase. This puts many customers off, and results in incomplete transactions, leading to low sales, and leaving many online business owners wondering why.

The web development team at Shock Media Studio are not only technically savvy, but we are marketers ourselves too. We know what it takes to make a sale online. And we highly value every single visitor and customer. As such, we design websites that are very user-friendly, and functions which are no-brainers. Shoppers are able to find what they want, and pay for it in just a few simple clicks. It is convenient and fast.


Accessible Across Multi-Devices

With the advance of technology, smartphones and tablets have become easily accessible and affordable. As such, mobile shopping has seen a growth rate of 11% in 2013, and now accounts for 20% of ecommerce sales. In fact, most users now have multi-devices which they use to search for information and to shop. Hence, it is critical that your website is accessible across all the devices that your customers may be using, including laptops, computers, smartphones and tablets (iphone, ipad and android), and even TVs.

The Shock Team creates websites with responsive designs which will automatically adjust and optimize its layout for best usage, according to whichever device that the user is using. This helps optimize browsing and ease of use, which encourages users to stay on your website longer. Our web developers also ensure that all the web functions are workable across multi-devices, and avoid using programs which do not work on certain devices, such as smartphones or tablets.


Captivating Featured Images, Layout and Design

Your website must appear pleasant and user-friendly, with able to convey trust within the first few seconds of a visitor landing on your web page. There must be impressive images of your products prominently featured on your website above-board. Prices and the Add To Cart Buttons must be clearly and prominently featured to ease and encourage purchase.

With many years of experience developing websites, running split-tests and an in-depth knowledge of the science of heatmaps, our Shock Team is able to build an ecommerce website for you that has been optimized for sales.

Grab a Piece of the US$1 Trillion Ecommerce Sales

Contact our Shock Team +603 5882 7008 to setup your ecommerce website today and understand how digital agency Malaysia help your ecommerce thrive!

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Ecommerce Satire: A Sure-fire Way to Lose Sales
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“My customers are very happy with the new look and layout of our website. They love the additional functions which enhance their shopping experience.”

~ happy2u.cc


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