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Crash Course: How To Plan A Rock-Solid Digital Marketing Strategy for Healthcare Industries in Malaysia

One of the rapidly evolving industries in Malaysia currently would be the healthcare,  medical and aesthetics industries, without a doubt. 

We see this progress happening due to the advancements in technology, changes in consumer behaviour, and also the ever-growing demand for innovative treatments in some concentrated niches such as the blooming niche of aesthetic beauty.

Specifically, it’s noticed that the surge in popularity of Korean aesthetic treatments in Malaysia has been tremendous with many Malaysian consumers increasingly seeking these treatments, drawn by their reputation for effectiveness and the influence of Korean pop culture.

It goes without saying that as a healthcare or aesthetic clinic owner, it is crucial to stay consistent along these trends and adapt your marketing strategies to meet the evolving needs of your clientele. 

Through this read, we aim to provide you and your team with a comprehensive guide to structure a digital marketing strategy that can propel your clinic to new heights.

5 Steps to Building Foundation for Your Business Digital Marketing Strategy

#1: Understand and Establish Your Business Goal(s)

The first and foremost step of any successful marketing strategy for healthcare businesses, is to begin with a clear understanding of your business goal(s). 

Achieve this as a team with an open discussion about what you wish to accomplish, from brand awareness to conversions, while establishing which among the goals are your priority. 

This will be the guide that helps you design a strategy tailored to your specific needs.

Here are some of the key points you should not miss out on during the discussion, which would provide a roadmap for your digital marketing strategy that is aligned with your overall healthcare or aesthetic business vision:

  • How well-known is your brand in the market?
  • Do you struggle with converting leads into paying customers?
  • Do you want to expand your reach or deepen your engagement with existing clients?

#2: Creating Target Audience Profiling

To craft a message that resonates with the targeted consumers, you would first need to understand who your target audience is and what they want. 

Hence, you can start by building a detailed customer persona for your ideal customer in the healthcare or aesthetics industry. 

This can include various factors of demographics such as: 

  • Age
  • Profession
  • Location
  • Marital status

And it can also include your target audience’s psychographics as well, such as:

  • Interests / Hobbies
  • Personal values
  • Likes / Dislikes
  • Religion

As you work on crafting your persona’s profile, integrate alongside a minimum of six major pain points and purchasing behaviours such as the desire for high-quality and effective treatments. 

Once you’ve completed the above steps, your customer persona would look something like the example below:

  • 30 – 60 year old white collar working males based in Klang Valley who are married and value their looks and youthfulness. 

Don’t forget to also keep up with the latest beauty trends, individualised customer experience, reasonable pricing and value for money.

Additionally, identify at least 3-5 major competitors. As you study their strengths and weaknesses, this gives you an upper hand on what they’re doing right and where you may offer a different solution or experience for your consumers.

For example, some of the top Malaysian aesthetic, medical and healthcare competitors to consider are:

  • Sunway Medical Clinic
  • Gleneagles Hospital
  • Pulse Clinic
  • Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur
  • KPJ Specialist Hospital
  • CLEO Clinic
  • London Weight Management
  • Slim Doc

#3: Craft an Irresistible Unique Selling Point (USP)

A cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy, your Unique Selling Point (USP) addresses the pain points, buying behaviours, and demographics of your target audience. 

Here’s a tip, instead of competing on price, focus on what sets your clinic apart, such as unique treatments, exceptional customer service, and exclusive products.

Be sure to highlight the quality and safety of your procedures and the unique benefits they offer. 

Ultimately, your USP should clearly communicate the distinct value your clinic provides, convincing customers to choose you over competitors.

For example, your USP could be a clinic that uses vegan-friendly products and focuses on being animal-cruelty free.

This will help to attract audiences who also believe in the same values as you do, that is, audiences who are against animal cruelty and want vegan-friendly products. 

#4: Choosing the Best Digital Marketing Tactics For Your Strategy

Some of the most common tactics that are practised by digital marketing agencies in KL are as follows.

We believe these tactics would be suitable for both healthcare and aesthetic clinics when planning out a digital marketing strategy.

Social Media Marketing (Paid)

One word: visual appeal, this is what the aesthetic industry thrives on. 

High-quality images and videos have been shown to attract more prospects and generate interest in your services and this can be achieved by utilising platforms like Instagram and Facebook to run paid campaigns showcasing your treatments.

Social Media Strategy (Organic)

Complement your paid efforts to go along with a robust organic social media strategy. 

The idea is to simply create an engaging series of content that can build a loyal following while enhancing brand visibility through a monthly content calendar to share special offers, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes looks at your clinic.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Imagine your website as the digital home of your business. Then probe on how you can optimise it for search engines to increase visibility. 

The research would include relevant keywords, quality content, and user-friendly design.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool to nurture leads and retain customers. Use it to inform your audience about upcoming promotions, new treatments, and clinic news.

Take note, that personalised and segmented email campaigns can improve engagement and conversion rates.

#5: Consistently Benchmark Your Digital Marketing Results with Your Competitors

Regularly compare your digital marketing performance with competitors by reviewing metrics for social media, organic efforts, and SEO results monthly or quarterly. 

Key metrics to keep tabs on include social media engagement, website traffic, search rankings, email open rates, click-through rates, and overall conversion rates. Consistent benchmarking helps identify improvement areas and keeps your strategy competitive. 

If all that sounds like too much work, maybe you can consider outsourcing it to a digital marketing agency in Malaysia to plan and execute them for you.

Contact Our Digital Marketing Agency in KL for Solutions for Small Businesses Today

It is understandable how overwhelming the idea of digital marketing can be, let alone the prospect of implementing all these strategies. 

Worry not as here is where we come to the rescue, offering digital marketing services online accessible one click away!

Our digital marketing agency in KL, also an established and popular digital marketing agency in Malaysia, has expertise in healthcare and aesthetic clinics like yours that can help develop and execute effective digital marketing strategies.

To give you an idea, check out the review on our digital marketing agency in KL to further understand the concept of digital marketing and how you may alter the growth of your business for the better. 

For branding that complements your digital marketing efforts, be sure to also visit Kinetic, the leading creative branding advertising agency in KL and top branding company in Malaysia.

Reach out to us today and let’s take your clinic to the next level together!

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